“Des gènes, des synapses, des autismes – Un voyage vers la diversité des personnes autistes”
Thomas Bourgeron, workpackage leader on Human Genetics in our CANDY project has just published his book “Des gènes, des synapses, des autismes – Un voyage vers la diversité des personnes autistes”.
Translated this means “Genes, synapses, autism – A journey into the diversity of people with autism” and it presents his work, that has revolutionized our understanding of autism by demonstrating its genetic component. This book brings together the immense scientific advances in our knowledge of autism today. He also claims that we need to work with people affected with autism and their families to develop new ways of providing personalised support to improve their quality of life and independence.
So far, the book is only available in French, but maybe we can convince him to release his next book in English as well 😉