Introducing Aurélie Baranger

What is your role and the role of your institution/group within the CANDY project?
My role is to co-lead the activities in dissemination and communication, and contribute to ethics and training.
What is your long-term vision for CANDY? What is special about the CANDY project?
I hope that CANDY will contribute to better understand the relation between epilepsy and autism and design efficient treatment for autistic people suffering from epilepsy.
What is the benefit of research projects like CANDY for affected people?
Autistic people are much more likely to have epilepsy than the general population, which is also unfortunately a leading cause of death. We hope that this research will pave the way for new and more efficient treatments to address the symptoms of autistic people suffering from epilepsy and improve their quality of life.
Your reading suggestion?
Autistica, “Autism and epilepsy – A guide to managing epilepsy in autism”
This guide offers some key advice to help manage epilepsy as well as some links to additional resources.