Introducing Ching-Lien WU

Ching-Lien WU, Scientist
WP3 – Immune/inflammation and microbiome biomarkers
L’Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale (Inserm), Paris
Can you explain your research and role in CANDY in 2 sentences?
Our team explores immune markers (genetic, proteomic, etc.) in the context of neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) to advance diagnostics and enhance understanding of their pathogenesis.
What do your friends and family think what you are doing in the lab?
I posted this to my posts, however no one helps me to fill this 🙃
What are you really doing most of your work time?
It includes running assays, conducting data analysis, communicating via mail, attending meetings, etc. Ah, I do a lot of coding recently
What’s your favourite and / or least favourite task in the lab?
I like conducting bench works and data analysis. Writing paper and project is one thing I am learning. The administrative things should be my weak area.
Why you have chosen to work in the field of neurodevelopmental conditions?
As an immunologist, I see there are many things to work and discover in this field.
Why does your research matter to the average citizen/man on the street?
Health is what we need. We are improving the health care field.
What is your personal highlight in CANDY up to now?
It is a big and warm family to support ECRs in the project. Very appreciated.
Coffee or Tea? Coffee is good, and tea from Taiwan is awesome! 😉
Mac or PC? Mac
Cats or dogs? Both
Mountain or sea? Both
What’s your favourite thing to do outside the lab?
Watching films (most of them a Japanese series and movies) and playing Sudoku.
How does your perfect day-off looks like?
Doing whatever I want. Could be doing nothing, eating, cooking, watching films, listening to podcasts, hanging out with friends…
Best recent series or movie or novel?
Drops of God by AppleTV (This work is a great French and Japanese collaboration)